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What is the Lord Abbett affiliated fund Class A?

The information presented in this section is not written or intended to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding any tax liabilities or penalties. The Lord Abbett Affiliated Fund Class A invests primarily in dividend-paying stocks of large U.S. companies.

Does Lord Abbett affiliate Fund have long-term returns?

Please refer to Lord Abbett Affiliated Fund Performance Results for the Fund's longer-term returns. The Fund is actively managed and portfolio characteristics, such as individual holdings and sector weightings, may change significantly over time. Source: Wilshire Attribution Software.

What is the affiliated fund?

True to its mandate, the Affiliated Fund is focused on companies that pay dividends. We believe a professionally-managed approach can identify companies with sustainable dividend policies whose stocks are attractively valued. A portfolio of undervalued dividend-paying stocks may provide investors with long-term growth of capital and current income.

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